Play Pen Sand

Play Pen Sand

Play Pen Sand 20Kg’s:
·       Sand is tested by the SABS for any harmful causing bacteria (none found)
·       Sand is non toxic
·       Sand is light in color, the dryer it goes, the whiter it gets
·       Due to the light color of the sand you can clearly see when it needs to be replaced
·       Sand does not stain clothes
·       Sand is fine, washed and does not scratch the child, nor does it make dust that could be harmful to breath in
·       Being sea sand like, the sand does not become muddy when wet and sand does not absorb water so water filters right through to the bottom where draining of water takes place much quicker
·       After being wet and not being used for some time the surface of this sand does not go hard nor does it make clods

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is the sand harmful ?

    The sand has been tested by the SABS for any harmful causing bacteria where noting was found .

    Does the sand stain ?

    No, the sand will leave no visible stains on any fabrics.

    Does the sand become muddy when wet ?

    Like sea sand, the sand does not absorb water, it filters through the sand to the bottom of the sand pit, to ease drying.

    Is the sand safe for children?

    Yes the sand is safe, the sand does not scratch your skin as it is fine and has been washed, nor does the sand dust that is NOT harmful to breath in.